The new centre video tour


Here we take you through the whole centre – from our offices, recepetion area, treatment rooms, changing facilities… EVERYWHERE!
We hope you are glad to be back in our current centre at High March but we can’t wait to be in our new building!!



NEW opening times


Monday: 7:00am to 7pm

Tuesday: 8:00am to 7pm

Wednesday: 8:00am to 7pm

Thursday: 8:00am to 7pm

Friday: 7:00am to 12pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

The Reach for Health Centre reopens 27th July on High March

The Coaching Team, Staff, Volunteers and Trustees are excited to be able to welcome members back to the Centre from 27th July. Please note that, as our new facility is not yet ready, we will be using the old Centre on High March temporarily.

The support we’ve received has been overwhelming and it’s great that many of you have remained active and been following our online exercise programs.

The Team have been working hard to put the necessary measures in place to ensure that the Centre is a safe environment for all.

All these measures rely upon the diligence of our members, as well as the Coaching Team and other colleagues, in following all the signs and instructions regarding social distancing and hygiene which are based on government guidance and our own risk assessments.

However, please be aware that the government states in its own guidance that it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19 and attendance at the Centre is at Members’ own risk.

Please be sure to familiarise yourself with the details below:


  • Anyone feeling ill or showing signs of any symptoms, or living in a household with someone else who has a possible or confirmed COVID-19 infection, must not attend the centre and should follow NHS guidance. We will be checking everyone’s temperature upon arrival.
  • Numbers attending will be strictly limited to allow for social distancing and avoid overcrowding.
  • A one-way system will be implemented where possible to try to maintain social distancing guidelines in all areas of the Centre.
  • Hand sanitiser and cleaning materials will be located at the entrance and various locations around the building for members and colleagues to use.
  • Members are required to pre-book sessions by telephone prior to attending the Centre.
  • We have installed a ‘sneeze screen’ at Reception to protect our staff from unavoidable interaction. Please maintain at least 1m distance whenever possible and 2m from other members.
  • Payments should be made by bank transfer or by credit/debit card over the telephone wherever possible. At the Centre, we can accept contactless card payments. If you can only pay in cash please place the correct amount in a sealed envelope with your details clearly written on the outside.
  • All members should maintain a 2m distance from other attendees at the Centre and the Coaching Team, wherever possible. If members need ‘hands on’ assistance the Coach will be provided with appropriate PPE.
  • All of the Coaching Team and other colleagues will receive training on our new way of operating to ensure that safety of everyone attending the Centre is the priority.
  • Cleaning procedures will comply with Public Health England COVID 19: Cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance.
  • Exercise sessions will be strictly time-controlled to allow for cleaning between sessions and to prevent crowding as members arrive and leave.
  • Members are asked to sanitise touch points on exercise equipment before after each use and before moving onto the next piece of equipment (if this is not possible through health issues, the Coaches with do this instead). Cleaning products will be available for both members and colleagues to utilise.
  • Clear notices positioned around the Centre will remind both colleagues and members of government guidelines and must be strictly adhered to.
  • We are utilising the ‘Studio’ at the Centre for the specialist and other equipment needed by the most vulnerable of our members. The Coaching Team will be wearing addition PPE in this area to allow ‘hands on’ assistance.
  • Members are asked to book only two sessions per week initially so all members have the opportunity to attend.
  • Members will be able to book their session up to 7days in advance.
  • Members are advised to attend in their exercise kit and be prepared to shower and change at home. Shower and changing facilities will not be available at the Centre.
  • Members are asked to bring their own filled water bottles. Sweat towels will not be permitted.
  • Ventilation will be maximised in all areas of the Centre through opening windows and doors, whenever possible, to ensure the circulation of fresh air.
  • Consultations will be available by telephone pre-booking. Please ensure that the Coaching Team are made aware of any changes to your health status.
  • Members who are clinically vulnerable (such as people aged 70 or over) could be at higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus. This group can meet people outdoors and indoors, but should be especially careful and be diligent about social distancing and hand hygiene.
  • Members who are classified as clinically extremely vulnerable should follow the guidance for those shielding. If in doubt, please consult your GP or other medical professional before attending the Centre.

Reach for Health: Stroke survivor on ‘inspirational’ centre

Reach for Health: Stroke survivor on ‘inspirational’ centre

7:15am on Wednesday 27th May 2020, the first seven modules for the new Reach for Health Centre have arrived on site, soon to be lifted into position!!! Rob and Wadge are giving each other a celebratory virtual hug….it’s an incredibly exciting, memorable day.