Stay Active Programme 6

Please perform each exercise safely and within your limits.

Main session:

Level 1| 1 set    

Level 2| 2 sets

Level 3| 3 sets

Warm up: 10 minutes

To increase intensity, try to increase speed!

1. Seated burpees

1. Star jumps

Main session: x10-15 repetitions

1. Hip adduction double leg (pillow inside leg)

To increase intensity
– Place pillow between both legs and squeeze
– To increase intensity, hold squeeze for longer

1. Lunge

To add resistance hold water bottles/tinned food in each hand

2. Bicep curl

To add resistance hold water bottles/tinned food in each hand


3. Hip abduction double leg (pillow outside)

Place pillow in between the outside of your legs and a surface e.g. side of chair or sofa and push outwards and hold

3. Clams

4. Shoulder press

To add resistance hold water bottles/tinned food in each hand

Stretches: hold for 15 sec

1. Hand behind back

Place hands behind back and push chest out

2. Hip adduction

Cross leg over the other and push against the bent knee towards the opposite side

Programme 6 is demonstrated by Team Member Maisy.