Gill puts heart and ‘sole’ into launch of new foot clinic in Daventry

Gill puts heart and ‘sole’ into launch of new foot clinic in Daventry

Article published by the Daventry Express

Thursday, 16th December 2021, 9:01 am

A new business is opening its doors in the New Year to help people in Daventry having problems with their feet, ankles or knees.

The Elite Feet Podiatry Clinic is opening its doors from January and will be based within the Reach for Health Centre on the Stefen Hill Ground, Western Avenue, on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

The specialist clinic was conceived by the highly trained and skilled HCPC registered podiatrist Gill Bromley, who recognised the need in Daventry for an accessible and well-equipped clinic that can provide cutting edge and highly effective treatment solutions and minor surgical procedures to resolve painful and distressing conditions affecting the lower limb.

Drawing on more than a decade of NHS and private podiatry experience, Gill’s dream was to offer a clinic where her expertise and clinical specialisms in biomechanics and rehabilitation, minor surgery, injection therapy and specialist treatments for stubborn verrucae could be offered alongside routine foot care to patients in Daventry and the surrounding areas.

Gill said: “Many people put up with infections or foot pain because they just don’t know where to go or how to sort it out. Well-functioning feet are essential for an active life. Elite Feet Podiatry is committed to delivering the best treatment, advice, and education in a welcoming, safe, and comfortable environment. I couldn’t ask for a better location than being within The Reach for Health Centre who share the same values.”

Wadge Grzelak, director of Reach for Health, said: “We’re a centre dedicated to providing physical and mental health rehabilitation. Gill will be a very welcome member of the team.

“We are excited about the range of services she can offer.”

If you have a foot care need, call the Elite Feet Podiatry Clinic on 07464 745503 or visit to book an appointment.

Active Health Ageing

Active Health Ageing

12 weeks to help you feel younger for longer!

Launching Monday 24th January 2022. 

The focus of the sessions is on substantially more than just exercise.
Our team are here to share their experience, knowledge and expertise with you whilst making your goals and aspirations the principal point of our support and your achievement.
As a society, there needs to be a greater understanding of just how important it has become for us all to take regular exercise. We all need to appreciate that by making everything in life easier, technology has encouraged us all to become far less active.
This 12 week program is built around building a better version of you.


“Healthy, active and happy. Medical research tells us that as we get older our bodies and minds need more care and attention. The elements of the Active Healthy Ageing program are the key to us living our best possible life as we age and life presents us with challenges. As we get older it is more important than ever we spend time on looking after our most prized assets, our body and mind.
Research is clear that people who are active, engaged and smiling have healthier happier latter years with less impact from chronic diseases. This also leads to less medication and most importantly seeing less of their GPs!
My own experience, as a GP, is that patients who are active and have a positive outlook on life are much better able to manage the problems such as arthritis, loss of balance, tiredness and poor sleep.
This program is for everyone! Whether you are 50 or 90, a Ferrari or a Ford, this has something to offer you.
I can only emphasise my experience looking after older people for 30 years.
Active Healthy Ageing works!”
Dr Matthew Davies, Trustee

To access the program you can either ask your GP to refer you
or self refer by contacting us directly.

The Reach for Health Centre Active Healthy Ageing
Christmas Bazaar 2021

Christmas Bazaar 2021

Reach for health logo


Friday 3rd December 2021

At Stefen Hill Ground, Western Avenue, Daventry, NN11 4UD

Next to Daventry RFC

All welcome
Christmas Gift Stalls
Hot & old food/drinks
Homemade sweet treats
Christmas hamper raffle

Come and see what we do!

The Reach for Health Centre Christmas Bazaar
Open Day 2021

Open Day 2021

Reach for health logo


Friday 17th September 2021

At Stefen Hill Ground, Western Avenue, Daventry, NN11 4UD

Next to Daventry RFC

All welcome
Raffle, stalls and refreshments to enjoy

A unique Physical & Mental Health Rehabilitation Centre helping with anything from major to minor health trauma.
We will soon be introducing an Active Healthy Ageing Program. Talk to us on the day for more information.

 Come and see what we do!

The Reach for Health Centre A4 Open Day Poster Aug21